HFVi Monitor


High Frequency Heartrate Variability Index Monitor

The MDoloris HFVi Monitor provides anesthesia providers with an easy, non-invasive analgesia nociception index monitoring system which offers an index on the amount of pain medicine needed to properly control pain during anesthesia and to arrive in PACU appropriately medicated.

  • Quantitative window into narcotic dosing
  • Enhanced OR turnover saving time
  • Patient’s comfortable yet responsive in PACU

Study results show significant benefits:

  • Patients were more comfortable in the PACU. The pain scores were decreased by 1.3 (on a scale of 1-10)
  • The amount of Fentanyl used by patients in the PACU was decreased by 64%.
  • There was an 82% reduction in post-op nausea and vomiting.


The major benefits for this High Frequency Heartrate Variability Index Monitor is to predict postoperative pain, predict haemodynamic reactivity, to help diagnose the ethology of the haemodynamic event, and to titrate opioids avoiding overdosing.

The optimal range for the 4 minute median orange waveform is between 50 and 70. If it is greater than 70 the dose of pain medicine can be reduced but if it drops below 50 the patient can have hemodynamic reactivity a few minutes later. The yellow number is the current instantaneous reading.

The patients who will benefit most from this HFVI and ANI pain monitor:

  • The Elderly
  • Children
  • Patients who cannot communicate well
  • Obese Patients
  • Frequent Drug Users
  • Patients in long surgery

Mdoloris Analgesia Titration Monitor Justification

Using Mdoloris HFVi Analgesia Titration monitor Journal of Anesthesia 2013 study results:

  • Reduced PACU patient pain scores on average 1.3 out of 10
  • Reduced PACU fentanyl administration by 64%!
  • Reduced PONV by 82%!

The Mdoloris monitor has proven that it can reduce Opioid Related Adverse Drug Events or ORADE. Reducing ORADE results in:

  • Reduce average (LOS) Length of Stay by 1.1 days saving cost of $1,028 to $1,640, Tong J. Gan, Department of Anesthesia, Duke University

Reducing ORADE increases patient safety and saves hospitals average costs per patient event per Premier Analysis:

  • Patient Nausea: $638.00
  • Patient Vomiting: $599.00
  • Apnea event: $3,784.00
  • Constipation: $4,702.00
  • Hypoxia: $2,827.00
  • Other events with significant costs saved by reducing ORADE: Urinary retention, respiratory depression, prolonged hospital stays.

Mdoloris sensor cost consignment program: $28.00

Contact Bell Medical for a free trial.

Watch a video on HFVi, High Frequency heartrate Variability Index and ANI, Analgesia Nociception Index:

Download the Manufacturer Brochure

Journal of Anesthesia and Analgesia Article

Purchase B500019 HFVi Monitor Sensors


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