SunStim Plus Nerve Stimulator


SunStim Plus Nerve Stimulator

One (1) Year Warranty

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SKU: B170101 Categories: , , Brand:


SunStim Plus Nerve Stimulator for Anesthesia

DBS (Double Burst Pulses): This stimulation produces two short sequences of 50 Hz tetanic
stimuli separated by 750 msec. This stimulation should not be repeated at intervals of less than twelve (12) seconds.

TWITCH: Produce twitch stimulation, which is automatically repeated (one pulse per second), until the button is released. This button can be turned off by pressing the DBS or TOF button on the SunStim Plus nerve stimulator device.

TETANUS: Produce rapidly repeated stimulation when pressed and held down. Provided electrical stimuli is set for 100Hz. This default can be changed to 50 Hz, by opening the battery cover and removing the battery. 50 Hz/ 100 Hz slide switch is located within the battery compartment. You may move the slide to the desired frequency (50 Hz or 100 Hz). Once this step is completed, reconnect the battery and close the battery cover, prior to start using the SunMed nerve stimulator unit again. The tetanus stimulation should not be repeated more often than every two (2) minutes, as its affect may fade.

Train-of-Four (TOF): Generate four (4) equal intensity single pulses in a period of two (2) seconds. This function can be repeated as often as needed.

The SunStim Plus™ Peripheral Nerve Stimulator device is provided with:

• Extension Leadwires (Alligator Clips Included, Snaps sold separately)
• Bipolar Probes

*Related Products are replacement items.

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