Endomask Laryngeal Mask


Endomask Laryngeal Masks are 100% Silicone.

  • EndoMask Elite – Reusable, 5/box
  • EndoMask Eclipse – Disposable, 5/box
SKU: B121XX Categories: , Brand:


EndoMask® laryngeal masks and components are manufactured from the finest and purest medical-grade resins available. Our superior cuffs conform to the natural contours of the hypopharynx for perfect fit, allowing rapid, blind insertion, excellent seal, and single-hand ventilation. Cuffs are thick and durable with a smooth matte finish. The seam around the outside of EndoMask cuff is extremely smooth and designed not to cause irritation.

No epiglottic bars (aperture bar) are used on EndoMask laryngeal masks enabling easy access for a Fiberscope and suction catheters. 

Universal 15mm connectors assure secure attachment to ventilator circuits.

EndoMask Eclipse™

Single-use silicone laryngeal mask offers the same high quality design and the same type of silicone materials as reusable EndoMask Elite® in a single-use mid-priced disposable model. Eclipse has a soft smooth cuff and a soft to medium firm tube body. The product is packaged in individual sterile pouches, 5 units per carton. 

Endomask Laryngeal Mask, Disposable

EndoMask Elite®

Reusable silicone laryngeal masks can be steam autoclaved and reused with confidence up to 50 times. The product is packaged in individual sterile pouches, 5 units per carton. A tracking card is included in each EndoMask Elite® pouch to record the date, patient name, and cleaning information and to track the number of times each mask has been used and sterilized. Elite has a soft smooth cuff and a soft to medium firm tube body. The absence of epiglottic bars makes cleaning EndoMask Elite easy and thorough. 

Endomask Laryngeal Mask, Reusable

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Additional information

Weight1 lbs
Dimensions14 × 4 × 6 in

Elite, Disposable, Eclipse, Reusable

Laryngeal Mask Size

1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 5


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