SunStim Nerve Stimulators

Sunmed is the manufacturer of the SunStim and the SunStim Plus peripheral nerve stimulators for anesthesia. The SunStim Plus Nerve Stimulator offers the ability to change the delivery of tetanus from 50HZ to 100HZ via an internal switch otherwise the two units are the same. They both offer nerve stimulation modes such as Twitch, TOF or Train of Four, Tetanus and Double Burst. The SunStim is a subjective peripheral nerve stimulator and comes with lead wires and electrode balls. View the peripheral nerve stimulators that we have for sale below.

SunStim Pro™ Peripheral Nerve Stimulator Machine has an LCD display.  The SunStim Pro offers:

DBS (Double Burst Pulses),

TWITCH: produces twitch stimulation, which is automatically repeated (one pulse per second), until the button is released.

TETANUS: Produces rapidly repeated stimulation when pressed and held down. Provided electrical stimuli is set for 100Hz. This default can be changed to 50 Hz, by opening the battery cover and removing the battery. 50 Hz/ 100 Hz slide switch is located within the battery compartment. You may move the slide to the desired frequency (50 Hz or 100 Hz).

Train-of-Four (TOF): Generate four (4) equal intensity single pulses in a period of two (2) seconds. This function can be repeated as often as needed.

The SunStim Pro™ Peripheral Nerve Stimulator machine is provided with Extension Leadwires (Alligator Clips Included, Snaps sold separately) and Bipolar Probes

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