Video Laryngoscopes

Video laryngoscopes are laryngoscopes that use a video screen to show the view of the epiglottis and trachea on a display for easier patient intubation. Bell Medical offers the new Insight Airway Management System that uses a removable portable display that fits a video laryngoscope, a rigid lighted stylet and a series of various sizes of flexible endoscopes that may be used for intubation.  We also offer the CoPilot VL that uses a Macintosh or Mac blade that has a service channel or bougie port that makes it easy to send a bougie through the vocal cords and into the trachea. This device is superior to the Glidescope in that the Glidescope often presents a great view of the vocal cords but anesthesia providers struggle to get the ET tube into the view and thus into the trachea. Bell Medical also offers video laryngoscopes such as the eMac that is a superior alternative to the McGrath video laryngoscope. The eMac offers the ability to record pictures and videos. Browse our selection of video intubation devices below.

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